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AF Epidemiology, RFs, Rx, Future Directions房颤的流行病学RF...
来自 : max.book118.com/html/2016/1228 发布时间:2021-03-24
novelty, significance, conceptual model, overly ambitious scope, overdependence of project completion on success of one aim; participant selection, generalizability, power, multiple testing, confounding, questionable project feasibility, key expertise lacking, problematic quality control data, organization, questionable institutional support, inadequate mentoring plan, Grant Writing Workshop Specific Aims Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, ScM The NHLBI’s Framingham Heart Study Boston University School of Medicine No industry relationships to disclose Associate Editor, Circulation 2R01HL092577 1R01HL102214 N01-HC 25195 1P50 HL12016 Resources FDD Page Isabel Dominguez created on grant writing tips /facdev-medicine/for-researchers/grant-writing/ Russell Morrison’s Grant Writers’ Seminars Workshops ?The Grant Application Writer’s Workbook BUMC Grant Writing Resources Associate Provost for Research Carter Cornwall’s Proposal Training Clinical Research Resources Office Clinical and Translational Science Institute Corporate and Foundation Relations Expertise and Instrumentation Search Office of Medical Education Office of Sponsored Programs Vice Chair for Research (DOM) How do Reviewers Work? Hard For virtually all grant reviewers, the study section work takes place after their day job Your job is to make their job easy Getting Started How do you Pick a Topic? What excites you and experts in your field? Is it important? ? Significance Is it novel? ? Innovation Will it build an identity distinct from your mentor? Read the everything you can find on the topic NIH Reporter what is already funded on your topic /reporter.cfm Will it build to subsequent funding/RO1s? Getting Started? The Blank Page Ask to see colleagues’ successful grants Ask to see colleagues’ critiques Have you blocked out time to write your grant??? How important are the Specific Aims? How important are the Specific Aims? Fundamental to the Application’s Success Why are the Specific Aims Important? Revi

本文链接: http://medicineshoprx.immuno-online.com/view-694908.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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